The sport we love.The Lord we love.

BELIEVE PICKLEBALL is a group of men and women who share both a passion for pickleball and a passion for their faith in Jesus Christ. We have chosen to make our faith visible to others by wearing the BELIEVE PICKLEBALL t-shirt when playing and being willing to share our faith when God creates the opportunities. We share the vision of encouraging other players to do their best and believe in their ability to play well with the God-given talents they possess. And more importantly, we can share the gift of God’s grace through His son Jesus Christ that allows us to be forgiven of our sins and live redeemed lives with Him eternally.
BELIEVE PICKLEBALL is a brand new ministry that, God leading and willing, will evolve and grow into an effective outreach to pickleball players with potential events such as Sunday afternoon pickleball, drills, mixers, tournaments, devotions, Bible studies and other benefits--wherever He leads us.
If you are a Christian and would like to join our group by wearing the BELIEVE PICKLEBALL t-shirt when you play, please email to the link below and request your desired size; no cost to you.
If you are not a Christian and would like someone to contact you to learn more about our faith, what it means and how to become a Christian, please email to the link below with your request and contact information.